“What is your favorite product? How will you improve it?”
When you get this question in an interview, pick something unexpected. Don’t pick something obvious like Netflix
They’re trying to figure out your “product sense”
7 tips on increasing + using your product sense:
1/ Try products
It costs nothing to try products, walk through their onboarding, see their product marketing, understand their value proposition
You just need to be curious
If you don’t know where to start, go to Product Hunt and try a product a day for 30 days
2/ Learn from the best in UX
If you’re not checking out https://growth.design/case-studies, what are you doing?
There are 30+ case studies. It’ll take you a few days to study and take notes
You’ll come out a new person
Many more great people to follow
But it’s not just about the UX…
3/ Learn from the best in startups
Startups & product are connected
Go here:
My First Million (if you can ignore its bro-ish nature)
Twitter! This place is a treasure trove of great insights
4/ Build with no-code
I would be far behind if I hadn’t tried to build stuff:
Grab Softr, Bubble, Pory and start building
You’re going to suck, but so what. No one is judging.
Just like learning to code, you start learning from an active place
5/ Deconstruct products yourself
Now you can do something fun
Do a usability test that doubles as co-design
Grab a friend (remote/irl) & ask to complete some tasks on any product you like
Ask them how they would improve it
You’ll seed your own mind with ideas
6/ Write about it
Ok, when you train, you can use Netflix! Deconstruct a feature
Then write about it. It’s so much fun — no one’s going to come after you if you get things wrong. Netflix won’t care.
After 3 studies (make sure you share them online), you’ll be way more tuned in
7/ If all else fails, use this guide from
TL;DR — 7 tips on increasing + using your product sense & ace your product interview question:
Try products
Study UX (80/20 stuff)
Study startups (80/20 stuff)
Build with no-code
Deconstruct with a friend
Write about it
BONUS tip above