The 16th Edition - On Apple keynotes, Design Thinking failure & leading with your ego
George Nurijanian
Did you know that Americans throw away 44 million newspapers a day?
There’s a business opportunity there somewhere.
1 article
Terrifying-if-true look at the process of Design Thinking by IDEO & how (and why) it might not be all it’s cracked up to be.
Was Design Thinking Designed To Not Work? | by Debbie Levitt | Feb, 2022 | R Before D
There is a fantastic (and long) article called “On Design Thinking” by Maggie Gram. It tells the story of badly-failing design thinking projects, and then explains the origins of modern design…
1 video
I have been reading “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs”, but a video can shortcut a lot of the lessons. This one focuses on the post-Steve era, and has a lot of great insights on the key aspects of Apple presentations:
Apple's Secret Keynote Formula, Explained
“If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.” — Hermann Hesse
“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.” — Voltaire
3 thoughts
The more successful a company is, the more difficult it becomes to take risks.
Which of your pleasures are really punishments?
The most expensive tasks that brains do are (1) moving your body and (2) learning something new. They have a metabolic cost that may feel unpleasant. So, feeling bad doesn’t always mean that something bad happened. You might just be doing something really hard.
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Have a great week ahead & see you next week.
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