The 18th Edition - On religion & the bias for action, real artists & Francis Ford Copolla
George Nurijanian
Did you know that Francis Ford Copolla had won five Oscars by the time he was 36? He filed for bankruptcy several times and has since made as much money in the wine industry as he did in film.
I’m turning 36 soon, so I think I’m going to miss that milestone.
1 article
Snappr: Building API-First, Last
From Self-Service Photography Marketplace to Visual Content Workflow Software
Super dense & interesting article on Snappr, the Australian self-service photography marketplace.
Top insights:
There was only one services industry more fragmented pre-marketplaces than the photography industry: taxis.
Unlike the taxi industry, the margin expansion opportunities for photography are manifold, from editing to storage to asset management to distribution.
While API-first businesses look like pure software businesses on the surface, the big ones are just hiding a bunch of hard, dirty grunt work under the surface.
I’m considering a specialisation in marketplaces in the next few years, as things become unbundled. (Gotta catch my first unicorn before 45.)
1 video
Cal Newport — The Pursuit of Craftsmanship, the Deep Life, Slow Productivity, and a 30-Day Challenge
This podcast episode is filled with unexpected segways into philosophy & religion (besides all the productivity talk).
Cal brings up the idea from Karen Armstrong’s book, “The Case for God”: that religious faith is about action first.
I draw a parable with product work. After you commit the action, the insight comes. Do the work, and then receive revelations.
Beats endless navel-gazing.
“Real Artists Ship.” - Steve Jobs (verified)
“Albert Einstein called the intuitive or metaphoric mind a sacred gift. He added that the rational mind was a faithful servant. It is paradoxical that […] we have begun to worship the servant and defile the divine.” - Bob Samples (verified)
3 thoughts
If you are a leader, present your idea(s) last.
Somewhere out there people are saying nice things about you behind your back.
Use for rough drafts of your writing. Speaking is much easier than writing.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great week ahead & see you next week.
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