The 55th Edition - On 14 Strategy Prompts To Help You Through Annual Planning, How to Design Effective Presentations, Data Hierarchy Map & What Being a Senior Leader Means
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📚 14 Strategy Prompts To Help You Through the Strange Holiday Tradition We Call Annual Planning
John Cutler’s prompt lists are a favorite of mine.
When you decide to use this new list below, here’s how John advised me to approach the workshop:
Do it, you won’t regret it.
I hope this helps you and your organisation.
👀 How to Design Effective Presentations: 5 Practical Tips from the Consulting Industry
I’m considering a collaboration with this Youtube channel, because it strikes at the heart of what I hear is the most problematic thing for PMs of all walks of life: getting buy-in.
Who gets massive buy-in?
Consultants from the top firms (and we all secretly hate them for it).
This is a short video but it covers a lot of ground.
✍️ Remember
“In the human life time is but an instant, and the substance of it a flux, and the perception dull, and the composition of the whole body subject to putrefaction, and the soul a whirl, and fortune hard to divine, and fame a thing devoid of certainty. And, to say all in a word, everything that belongs to the body is a stream, and what belongs to the soul is a dream and vapor, and life is a warfare and a stranger's sojourn, and after- fame is oblivion. What then can guide a man? One thing and only one, philosophy.”
"It is important to realize that these more senior levels are not a measure of betterness, or quality, or raw intelligence and technical skills. They are instead a measure of demonstrated impact and confidence in the scope of work that the person can be tasked to accomplish. The people who get these promotions are trusted to navigate the systems of the company, to understand what is valued by the people around them and where to spend their time, because they have done just that."
🧠 Consider
Annual Planning Anti-patterns:
Framework Focus
Date Driven
Lack of Learning
Constrained Mindset
Functional Bias
Seniority Bias
South Star Metrics
Your Organization Needs a Data Hierarchy Map:
Where Great Roadmap Ideas Rarely Come From:
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Who's George?
I’m an underdog product manager.
In New Zealand, where I live, product management is still a fairly young field. I also came into it late via data science and UX. Even though I'm older than some people, I often feel like a beginner.
To become better at my craft, I learn and explore new ideas every week.
Then, on Sunday, I give you good, tried-and-true ideas to use on Monday.
How I can help you:
If you're a cross-functional leader learning about product management, I've put together my best actionable finds here:
Get some direct advice via Other people ask how to set priorities, how to do market validation, how to work with engineers, how to go from a service to a product, how to make a deep, coherent product strategy, and what books to read and courses to take on product topics.
See you next week.
— George.